Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New blog post from Tegan

Hello everyone!

It’s so hot! Oh my goodness. I feel like I’m melting. Vancouver is never this hot.
I have 3 fans on me at all times. I drag them from room to room with me. Well
only 2 can actually move from room to room, but my ceiling fan is going full
speed non-stop! My plants, which were looking so happy and healthy until this
week, are looking a bit wilted. My mom told me I look tired over lunch today.
I am. It’s hard to sleep in a loft when it’s this hot. I roll around a lot and kick the
blankets off and wake up to soak my head in the sink and re-moisturize. It’s all
very exhausting and complicated.

Things are good in our world otherwise. We’ve been super busy. Between album
artwork and booking tours and mixing the record - not to mention finishing the
books so we can print them in time to come out the same day as the record - we’ve
hardly got time to eat. I have been making time for yoga though. Expect a very toned
and athletic looking Tegan and Ted next time you see us. That’s right, Ted has
been coming too! He moved to Vancouver this past Spring. It’s very nice to have
him close by. We shopped together the other day for new keyboards. We got a
parking ticket.

Sara is out East supervising album artwork and preparing emotionally for months
of West coast living. We’ll be starting rehearsals mid-September and we’ll be doing
them here in Vancouver. FINALLY! So Sara is soaking up the humidity and all the
other things that distinguish the West coast from Montreal or New York or where ever
it is that she resides. She doesn’t return my calls so I never know. Oh Sara.

Alright. No real news to report today. We have some HUGE announcements in the
coming weeks but… nothing we’re ready to share today. EXCEPT this:

We opened up our online store in the US to everyone outside of the US too, so feel
free to shop there if you’re from… say… Melbourne. There are lots of items and designs
that are not available in the Maple (Canada/International) store.

We also dropped the price on all the shirts there to $20. So shop shop shop!

Okay friends,

Wear sunscreen and stay hydrated,
Your friend,
Tegan (and Sara)

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