Friday, May 1, 2009

New MySpace blog post!

Hey Everyone!

I had the very distinct pleasure of singing on Jim Wards New EP recently. The EP is called In the Valley, On the Shores. You can go to and name your own price to get a digital copy of the EP or you can pay $7, post paid US/Canada and get a hard copy, the entire month of May!!!!

If you don't know who Jim Ward is go to Wikipedia and look him up. Immediately afterwards you'll be heading to to get his EP. Its beautiful. And you will not regret it.

I met Jim at a festival in Germany (he did not write a song about it). Then we hung out when his band Sparta were opening for Velvet Revolver in Vancouver a couple years ago now. We have the same birthday and we basically became best friends that night.

So from one friend to another bunch of friends, I'm telling you my friend Jim has made a really amazing EP. Go get it!

Your friend, Tegan


P.S. In case Tegan wasn't convincing enough to you, I bought the EP this morning, listened to it, and cried. It is so beautiful. Listen to Tegan. GET IT! She sings on the track "Broken Songs" and it is incredible.

-Crystal (aka quintwinsfan)

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